Bouquet of Payment Options
Allow your applicants to make their application form payment online with a plethora of payment options at your disposal.
Meritto provides the biggest possible gamut of payment options including Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking, Mobile Payments, Cash Cards, Demand Drafts, Vouchers for a seamless experience. What’s more, you can integrate your existing payment gateway for more options.

Payments in Multiple Steps
Allow applicants to complete multi-stage transactions based on different criteria. Say, on selecting a certain course, the applicant shall first pay the fees and then proceed to fill the form. For a separate course, there might be a registration fee, then an exam fee, and finally the token fee to reserve the seat. Seamlessly configure all situations with a drag and drop interface.
Send an auto-confirmation mail on payment approval with hundreds of pre-defined communication templates and park a payment acknowledgement receipt directly on their candidate dashboard.

Automatic Split Payment
Choose to split application payment among your institute, Meritto, and payment gateways in a single transaction. Gone are the days when you needed to keep tabs on your bank statements, reconcile payments, and then spend hours figuring out the total amount due. Meritto allows a seamless Auto Split Payment option. The candidate makes the payment of the application fee, the system directly deducts the processing and payment gateway charges and remits the funds directly to your bank account. It’s that simple!

Dynamic Fee Collection
Have different fee types for different courses? Is there a preference based fee that you want to collect? Meritto makes this possible with Dynamic Fee Collection all without having you to write even a single line of code. You can create new products like school fee, application fee, additional course preference fee, and use the conditional form builder to create the conditions within minutes.
Say, a candidate who is only applying for CSE in B.Tech pays INR 1000 and another candidate applies for both CSE and Civil in the same form. They’ll pay INR 1000+INR x and so on. Every applicant is unique. Allow the flexibility of selection based fee collection to your prospects.

Discounts and Vouchers
Integrate your coupon codes inline with your marketing campaigns, boost your registrations and applications. With a simple and intuitive Discount and Voucher Manager, easily create and distribute discount codes. Your applicants can use the codes while completing their application and enjoy a hassle free payment experience. Allow Single or Multiple use of discount codes, assign them to your offline admission teams and keep a track of their usage with the seamless Payment Manager.
Replace printing of brochures, OMR sheets with voucher cards to save your costs, facilitating payment options for students with no debit/credit/net banking options.

Fall Back Options
Aren’t there times when you get plagued with applicant complaints about payment gateways not working. Well, fret not, Meritto takes the Candidate Experience up a notch with Advanced Fall Back Options. In case the system detects any problems with the existing gateway, it is automatically swapped with a fully functional one. This happens in real time so that your candidate’s journey is not impacted and your applications keep flowing in.

One View Purchase Summary
The One View Purchase Summary is a general overview of the total purchases from a given time period. Get an easy-to-read synopsis of the payment details upon successful online payment, upon acceptance of DD/cheque by your finance team etc. View details for all products sold including application fee, token fee, test preparation packs, physical brochures, and more. Use advanced reporting options to display item sales by form, transaction date, transaction ID, or payment method.
All of your transactional data can be filtered and exported as reports in CSV format. What’s more, you can provide an access of Purchase Summary and enable them further so that they don’t have to keep matching the details across different platforms.